Teacher survey


67 matches found.

Measuring students' transition into university and its association with learning outcomes
Pampaka, M., Williams, J. & Hutcheson, G.
(2012) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, transition

The association between mathematics pedagogy and learners' dispositions for university study
Pampaka, M., Williams, J., Hutcheson, G., Wake, G., Black, L., Davis, P., Hernandez-Martinez, P.
(2012) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, transition

Engineering in Higher Education: what would help the students
(2011) Research brief
Keywords: mathematics, engineering, higher education, connectionist, transmissionist, pedagogic practices

Enrolment, achievement and retention on 'traditional' and 'Use of Mathematics' pre-university courses
Hutcheson, G., Pampaka, M. & Williams, J.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, enrolment, achievement, retention, attainment, Use of Mathematics, pre-university, AS-level

Figures in our worlds: a response to articles by Hernandez-Martinez et al. and Williams
Wenger, E.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, identity, transition, narratives, traditionalist, connectionist

Introduction to the Special issue: deepening engagement in mathematics in pre-university education
Wake, G.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, engagement, widening participation, dispositions, transition, identity, post-compulsory study

Learning to connect with, use and apply mathematics: mathematical modelling for problem solving in STEM
(2011) Research brief
Keywords: mathematical modelling, problem solving, STEM, knowledge transfer

Learning to learn mathematics in transition to university STEM programmes
(2011) Research brief
Keywords: mathematics, learning to learn, transition, STEM programmes, lectures, independent learning, peer groups, pedagogy

Looking back, looking forward: valuing post-compulsory mathematics education
Williams, J.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, post-compulsory, adolescence, identity, relationships, dispositions

Mathematics coursework as facilitator of formative assessment, student-centred activity and understanding
Hernandez-Martinez, P., Williams, J., Black, L., Davis, P., Pampaka, M. & Wake, G.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics coursework, formative assessment, student-centred, post-compulsory, retention and completion, student experience, student interviews, teacher interviews, dispositions

Mathematics learning, identity and educational practice: the transition into Higher Education
(2011) Research brief
Keywords: mathematics learning, identity, transition, higher education, A level, STEM subjects, pedagogy

Measuring mathematics self-efficacy as a learning outcome
Pampaka, M., Kleanthous, I., Hutcheson, G. & Wake, G.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, self-efficacy, learning outcome, MSE instrument, post-compulsory, modelling, widening participation, measurement, gender

Students' views on their transition from school to college mathematics: rethinking 'transition' as an issue of identity
Hernandez-Martinez, P., Williams, J., Black, L., Davis, P., Pampaka, M., Wake, G.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, compulsory education, post-compulsory, pre-university, transition, identity, student interviews, school to college

Teachers telling tales: the narrative mediation of professional identity
Williams, J.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics teachers, narratives, connectionist, traditional, figured worlds, positionality, self-authoring, world-making, professional identity

Teaching and teacher identity in Higher Education
(2011) Research brief
Keywords: mathematics, teacher identity, higher education, pedagogic practice

The transitional gap between school and university
(2011) Research brief
Keywords: mathematics, transitional gap, A level system, pedagogy, school to university

The way forward for mathematics 16-19? A response to articles by Pampaka et al and Hutcheson et al
Brown, M.
(2011) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics, 16-19, post-compulsory

TransMaths Project contribution to the mathematics curriculum review
Williams, J.
(2011) Information briefing
Keywords: mathematics, curriculum review, post-compulsory education, pedagogy, student dispositions

TransMaths research implications for the National Curriculum Review
(2011) Research brief
Keywords: mathematics, transition, national curriculum, compulsory education, post-compulsory education, student dispositions

Diagnostic testing in mathematics as a policy and in practice in the transition to HE
Williams, J., Hernandez-Martinez, P. & Harris, D.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, diagnostic testing, first year university students, retention

Learning to learn in STEM subjects: Lessons learned from Problem-Based Learning in Medical Education
Farnsworth, V.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, learning-to-learn, Problem-Based-Learning (PBL), transition, medicine, STEM

Learning university mathematics: a case for expansive learning
Wake, G.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, transition, Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT)

Mathematics as a 'tool': what does that mean for first year engineering students?
Harris, D., Davis, P. & Jooganah, K.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, engineering students, transition, further education, higher education, narratives, dispositions

Measuring Mathematics Self Efficacy of students at the beginning of their Higher Education Studies
Pampaka, M. & Williams, J.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: Mathematics Self Efficacy (MSE) instrument, higher education, Rasch analysis

Teaching mathematics in school and university: the case of a boundary crosser
Williams, J. & Hernandez-Martinez, P.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, boundary-crosser, pedagogy, higher education, transition, school and university

The Transition to Advanced Mathematical Thinking: Socio-cultural and Cognitive perspectives
Jooganah, K. & Williams, J.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: advanced mathematical thinking, transition, identity, higher education

The place of maths in a different 'space': Value of mathematics in student narratives of an imagined future in higher education
Farnsworth, V.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, student narratives, higher education, further education, transition

Transfer of mathematics learning to problems of electrical and electronic engineering during the first year of university
Davis, P., Harris, D. & Jooganah, K.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, transition, pre-university, dispositions, problem-solving

Using mathematics to solve engineering problems and mathematical subjectivities
Davis, P., Harris, D. & Jooganah, K.
(2010) Working paper
Keywords: electrical engineering, pre-university, mathematical boundaries, problem solving

Learning communities and gender: the case of transition into HE Mathematics
Jooganah, K.
(2009) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, higher education, transition, gender, pedagogic practice, identity

Mathematics at the boundary between school and university mathematics: The case of 'Worms' versus 'The Writing Hand'
Pepin, B.
(2009) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, student identities, higher education, transition

Mathematics diagnostic test for first year undergraduate engineers: issues of transition and identity
Harris, D., Hernandez-Martinez, P. & Jooganah, K.
(2009) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, diagnostic test, engineers, transition, identity, narratives, higher education, further education

Proof as a threshold concept for university mathematics: an exploration of student identity and transition
Jooganah, K.
(2009) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics programmes, student identity, transition, higher education stakeholders, STEM subjects

Students' experiences of first year University and the mediation of institutional discourses on their transition into mathematics in STEM
Davis, P., Black, L., Farnsworth, V., Harris, D., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Pampaka, M., Williams, J. & Wake, G.
(2009) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, STEM, transition, higher education, dispositions, identity, Mathematically Demanding Programmes (MDP)

Transition from mathematics GCSE to AS level: contradictions and problems for institutions but development of identity and opportunity for students
Hernandez-Martinez, P., Williams, J., Black, L., Davis, P., Pampaka, M. & Wake, G.
(2009) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, transition, GCSE, AS level, identity, post-compulsory education, STEM subjects

ASTrad and UoM courses: factors influencing enrolment
Hutcheson, G., Black, L., Davis, P., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Pampaka, M., Wake, G., Williams, J.
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, student enrolment, dispositions, course choice, models

Aspirations, subject choice and drop out: decision-making amongst AS Level mathematics students
Davis, P., Pampaka, M., Hutcheson, G., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Kleanthous, I., Nicholson, S. & Wake, G.
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: AS level mathematics, aspirations, student interviews, further education, cultural models, gender, ethnicity, social class

Dispositions towards studying Mathematically-Demanding subjects in HE
Hutcheson, G.
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: mathematically-demanding subjects, higher education, dispositions, modelling

Imagined futures: nediation of the mathematical biography
Black, L.
(2008) Publication
Keywords: mathematics, student narratives, widening participation, dispositions, identity

Interweaving narratives with CHAT: the institutional culture and 'voice'
Williams, J. & Pampaka, M. et al.
(2008) Symposium paper
Keywords: mathematics, CHAT narratives, institutional culture, teachers' professional identity, professional development, curriculum development

Mathematics students' aspirations for higher education: class, ethnicity, gender and interpretative repertoire styles
Hernandez-Martinez, P., Black, L., Williams, J., Davis, P., Pampaka, M. & Wake, G.
(2008) Journal paper
Keywords: mathematics students' aspirations, higher education, class, ethnicity, gender

Participating differently in mathamatics: the value of mathematics, learner approach and Programme context
Davis, P., Pampaka, M., Williams, J., Nicholson, S., Hutcheson, G., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Black, L. & Kleanthous, I.
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: value of mathematics, student discourses, relationships, models, mathematics programmes

Pedagogy: the (mathematical) narrative in classroom practice
Wake, G.
(2008) Symposium paper
Keywords: pedagogy, mathematical narrative, classroom practice, learner identities, teacher as story-teller, CHAT analysis

Renegotiating identities: mediation of troubling AS Level mathematics
Wake, G. & Davis, P.
(2008) Conference paper
Keywords: AS level mathematics, Use of Mathematics, identities, aspirations, student narratives

Renegotiating identities: mediation of troubling AS Level mathematics
Davis, P., Williams, J., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Nicholson, S., Pampaka, M., Black, L., Wake, G., Hutcheson, G. & Kleanthous, I.
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: AS level mathematics, identities, student narratives, mediation, cultural models

Statistical versus personal narratives of the effect of pedagogy on learning
Pampaka, M., Williams, J. & Wake, G.
(2008) Symposium paper
Keywords: pedagogy, personal narratives, activity theory, instruments

Students' perceptions of mathematics' coursework in first year of College
Hernandez-Martinez, P., Black, L., Davis, P., Hutcheson, G., Nicholson, S., Pampaka, M., Wake, G. & Williams, J.
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics' coursework, student perceptions, assessment, AS level mathematics, Use of Mathematics,

The central role of the teacher - even in student centred pedagogies
Wake, G. & Pampaka, M.
(2008) Conference (proceedings) paper
Keywords: mathematics teacher, pedagogy, dispositions, identities, student centred, Activity Theory

The influence of students' life narratives on identification with learning mathematics
Davis, P. et al
(2008) Symposium paper
Keywords: student narratives, pre-university mathematics, cultural models, identity, dispositions

Towards a political economic theory of value in education
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, theoretical concepts, exchange values

Towards a theory of value in education
Williams, J.
(2008) Conference paper
Keywords: mathematics, educational theory, Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), concepts, systems,

Transition into post-compulsory (mathematics) education
Williams, J., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Black, L., Davis, P., Pampaka, M. & Wake, G.
(2008) Working paper
Keywords: mathematics, post-compulsory education, transition, student narratives, sixth form, further education

University subject choice and discourses of parental influence: decision-making amongst AS Level mathematics students
Davis, P. & Pampaka, M.
(2008) Conference paper
Keywords: AS level mathematics students, parental influence, ethnicity, social class, STEM, university subject choice

Development and validation of two 'soft' outcome measures: Disposition to enter HE and disposition to study mathematically demanding subjects in HE
Williams, J.
(2007) Symposium paper
Keywords: mathematically demanding subjects, higher education, measurement, dispositions, AS level, models, student interviews

Hybridity of mathematics and peer talk: crazy maths
Davis, P. & Williams, J.
(2007) Book chapter
Keywords: mathematics, student collaboration, classroom practice, inclusive pedagogy, identity

Imagined futures: mediation of the mathematical biography
Black, L.
(2007) Symposium paper
Keywords: mathematics, student interviews, widening participation, dispositions, educational background

Measuring perceived self-efficacy in applying mathematics
Wake, G. & Pampaka, M.
(2007) Conference paper
Keywords: mathematics, modelling, post-compulsory study, further education, higher education, measurement, self efficacy

Measuring the 'effectiveness' of two distinct AS Mathematics courses using 'soft' disposition and self efficacy measures
Pampaka, M.
(2007) Symposium paper
Keywords: AS level mathematics, measurement, pedagogy, learning outcomes, dispositions

Multi-dimensional structure of a (use of) Mathematics self efficacy instrument
Pampaka, M., Black, L., Davis, P., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Hutcheson, G., Nicholson, S., Wake, G. & Williams, J.
(2007) Conference paper
Keywords: self efficacy instrument, Use of Mathematics programme, quantitative analysis, post compulsory

Pedagogic practices and interweaving narratives in AS Mathematics classrooms
Wake, G.
(2007) Symposium paper
Keywords: AS level mathematics, pedagogy, classroom practice, narratives

Storying mathematical identities with cultural models
Williams, J., Black, L., Hernandez-Martinez, P., Davis, P., Hutcheson, G., Nicholson, S., Pampaka, M. & Wake, G.
(2007) Presentation
Keywords: mathematics, identities, cultural models, narratives, dispositions

Students' mathematical identity and its relation to classroom mathematics pedagogic practice
Davis, P.
(2007) Symposium paper
Keywords: mathematical identity, students, pedagogy, widening participation, higher education, further education

Different kinds of mathematics learners at A level: an examination of the relation between learner identity and classroom mathematics social practice
Davis, P. et al
(2006) Presentation
Keywords: mathematics, A level, identity, social practice, classroom practice

Different kinds of maths learners: mathematical identity in relation to classroom pedagogic culture
Davis, P.
(2006) Symposium paper
Keywords: mathematical identity, classroom practice, pedagogy culture, relationships, student learners

How pedagogy can help provide resources and motivation for/against mathematical identity work: a socio-cultural perspective
(2006) Presentation
Keywords: mathematics, pedagogy, identity, socio-cultural

Imagined futures: mediation of the mathematical biography
Black, L.
(2006) Symposium paper
Keywords: mathematical identity, AS level, post-compulsory education, pedagogy practices, narratives

Perceived self-efficacy in applying mathematics: implications for widening participation
Wake, G.
(2006) Symposium paper
Keywords: mathematics, widening participation, post-compulsory study, modelling, further education, higher education, measurement

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