Teacher survey


Details for publication #32:

2008 - Symposium paper

Interweaving narratives with CHAT: the institutional culture and 'voice'
Williams, J. & Pampaka, M. et al.

We can consider pedagogy to be mediated by the institutional culture, the student community and the teachers' professional identity. In this paper we focus on the institutional component. We suggest that the College institution” adds its own, particular 'voice' to the heteroglossia that constitutes pedaogogy. Whilst often sotto vocé, the voice of the institution, we shall illustrate, can nevertheless have a significantly different role in different institutional contexts. We illustrate with regards to two institutions in the UK with somewhat different market positions, whose Principal's have different narratives with regard to 'widening participation' and pedagogy, and which constrain pedagogies in their different ways. There are clear implications for professional development and even curriculum development. In terms of the theoretical development, we conclude that the 'voice' of the institution comes into being historically as a function of the institutions sociocultural, geographic and economic positioning in the market place.

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